
Thank you for the invite, but i can't get in.

Aww, please stop rambling about Google+, it makes ma want an invite :'( Please gimme one

I have it all, just need an invite :'(

I was trying to make a point there, about how people only think about North America!

I need a Google+ invite... I want it SO bad!

Why does everyone only think about the US? What about Europe (I live in Denmark)? Asia? Australia? Africa? Canada?

Hold Ctrl and use the Scroll Wheel.

God dammit you C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker :(

And i hide THAT in a rar file so it is!

I prefer avast!.

I'd like CTRL, Z, X, C, and V highest... Maybe also Backspace and Delete...

In iLang (the apple language :p) PC = Windows.

"Nuke your OS back to bedrock" Whoever wrote this must be a huge Minecraft fan.

I guess 24. December 2012, just after mass destruction :p

how come i still have 10.0.648.151 in dev build?

ILikeKubrick sir, are clearly an an idiot.

Woo Hoo (Damn! I'm only 9 years old and i have ~150 DKK)

0:17 Versiom 1.01 (Yes, spelling error of version)

Waitin' for the keynote to come in podcast format (the official apple keynote podcast)

I suppose you mean Large iPod Touch, the iPad can't make calls.