Marty McWhy?

If you go by the subjective quantification of this reviewer, then yes, avoid it. However, to offer a different opinion, I have thoroughly enjoyed the show so far. It isn't profoundly deep, riddled with amazing imagery or mind-blowing plot developments, but it is a great show to just watch, be entertained by, and not

Great article!

Disorganised religion is me running around at four a.m. before a flight asking God where all my stuff is.

After last week's episode, which in my opinion was too contrived to even bother with, this episode was just so good. When Clara died in Face The Raven, I thought to myself 'Is that it?' her character went through some very drastic changes in her run, from odd reoccurring character who died a lot, to a girl that was

I agree, I think its problem is that it is trying to be a show with an long story-arc to each series, however, it then tries to make each episode standalone as well, which just does not work for me at all.

Wow, I must really be in the minority here, I just didn't like the episode this much. I thought the 'twist' of it having been him who died before and left his jacket behind was all too obvious, I thought that every line was overstating itself, for example: "There are two events that no living thing remembers, two