Marty McKee

The auteur behind "Fukkin' Ya Momz in Da Ass," so you know he's a prophet worth listening to.

What's interesting about his character in THE TOWERING INFERNO is that it's a very rare example of a powerful politician in a film being portrayed as a good and heroic person.

Channel D: permanently closed.

The body-switch episode from last season is the most underrated sitcom episode of the year. Blisteringly funny with an Emmy-worthy performance by Kind. Nobody talks about it.

(Joe Maddon enters)
MADDON: "Hi, Bob!"
(laugh track)

I assume she was at all the games, but nobody at Fox knew who she was until yesterday.

Exactly. How can they stretch the premise to seven seasons? "Rats, Flynn got away again!"

A "full season" is 16 episodes now? THE TIME TUNNEL did 30.

RIP Jon Polito. His masked doppelgänger Robert Costanzo took over the Chambers part in this episode.

Giuliani told his wife he was filing for divorce during a press conference.

Exactly. It isn't Gingrich's personal life that is criticized. It's his hypocrisy.

I wonder who told him this week what the Johnson Amendment is.

With this and THE MAD BOMBER, Chuck Connors clinched a spot in the Psycho Hall of Fame.

Falconetti is a jerk.

My back hurts just reading this.

Like why doesn't he take the mask off?

Savini's assistant in the beheading scene.

My favorite 80s slasher. Watching audiences watch the ending is a great joy (also SLEEPAWAY CAMP).

Yeah, I would imagine by the end of the season there will be a show where an innocent bystander discovers the machine or even finds a way to get inside it.

You're right, of course. I was being flippant. But my greater point, I think, holds true, which is that it would be silly for this show to criticize behavior that was not considered unusual at that time. The only reason tobdo so would be to score points with the morally superior hand-wringers watching at home (or for…