Genuine Beatnik

Yeah, but it’s only a theory...

Amen, brother. Way to testify.

KILO-METER — not kalamaduh.

Autistic and Downs children used to be called retarded or retards or tards, a hurtful insult to both the children and their parents. Your casual use of the word puts you in bad company.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a peach.

Although Richard Feynman recommended a kind of high-level guessing in his thinking.

Also look up the meaning of a “discovery” and what “5-sigma” is.

Grains “...each about the size of a human fat cell...” Another new SI unit to add to the “football field” — nanofatcell, millifatcell, kilofatcell? Oh, yes — it’s not kalamaduh — it’s KILO-METER.

I disowned the entire New Jersey branch of my family.

I could have sex with a conservative woman but only from behind.

All Navy Seals, Special Forces, Green Berets, and SWAT officers should be cross-trained as social studies and home-ec teachers.

The passage from Siberia to Alaska was free of ice and mostly level. The ice was still farther north and east. When the ice melted it filled up the passage creating what we call the Bering Sea.

Please permit me to apologize for all the people who are stupid and inferior to your estimable polymath mentality.

Why does it hurt that people are dumb? Do you not count yourself as one of the people or are you a liberal elitist college philosopher? Maybe you should take drugs to kill the hurt.

Jebus no likee ogasm.

Yeah, you’re still a mess even though Obama’s gone but cheer up, you’ll always have Russia.

Unless it was labeled USP in the vial, you likely got speed.

Elon Musk shows real emotion when appropriate. When he heard that some surviving Apollo astronauts had said that SpaceX was a waste he was almost in tears. Other criticisms have also visibly affected him.

Maybe she can get a job with Trump’s Evangelical Protection Agency.

Street fight? Oh, yeah, Bannon, you quantum of cholesterol — you wouldn’t last two minutes.