I used to like telling people I lived in Ohio. Always seemed like a sensible, easy-going state to me. Now I’m embarrassed and know how woke ass fuckers like me in Indiana or Missouri, etc., have felt all these years.
I used to like telling people I lived in Ohio. Always seemed like a sensible, easy-going state to me. Now I’m embarrassed and know how woke ass fuckers like me in Indiana or Missouri, etc., have felt all these years.
It might be Mrs. F.’s favorite food which is weird because she’s a very picky eater with limited foods she likes, most of which are unadventurous. maybe it has something to do with her phobia of eating a bite of meat directly off a bone.
Picon biere is a French shandy that’s delicious. A nice Kolsch-style beer (think light, crisp and refreshing) mixed with the elusive Amer Picon, which is only available in France and then barely.
Will miss East New York. It had some pretty, pretty good moments.
I’d rather eat at Applebee’s 10 times than Chili’s once.
Well “Adult Disney” has a different meaning so we’re stuck with it.
Wow. They got the top choice correct. I’m stunned. It’s also the best superhero movie including MCU.
Tabitha Soren!!
Before I began working from home in 2011 I’d go with a group of co-workers once in a while to one of the many Asian buffets ‘round here. All you can eat for $5 if you bought a soda. Pretty, pretty good deal. Some of the dishes were pretty, pretty tasty too.
That Nirvana shirt Gaetz is wearing looks like the ones Target sells for $17.99. No way that fucker went to a Nirvana show. Or even enjoys their music.
Still mourning Wheatables.
In what world would it surprise people he’s not an asshole?
Except for Spotted Dick, you’re probably correct.
I would watch an hour special titled Bunsen and Beaker: Behind the Burner. This Mayhem show seems like it’d be a better 90 minute movie. But like I wrote, I’m in and will check it out.
Or a non-song non-song. Which I think is a song?
For all my fellow fifty-somethings: this is a different band than Level 42.
Certainly assuming the corporations would learn their lessons and donate matching amounts to appropriate charities.
Ten episodes seems like a lot. Even assuming they’re a 1/2 hour is a lot of Mayhem. But I’m in.
Does the new version use the old theme?