Counterpoint: fuck the Dodgers, forever.
Counterpoint: fuck the Dodgers, forever.
Wait, someone with the last name “Fartass” is a only 3-seed? The committee is corrupt.
I think Goose Gossage had an aneurysm watching that.
Showed my wife too and she thought they should have thrown a flag for excessive celebration.
Is the idea to get all White Sox content out of the way in March so that they can be appropriately ignored for the rest of the season?
To make matters even worse, their star player, At Least We’re Not The Cubs, is out for the foreseeable future.
I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.
Other great cycling victories:
Tyler: Mom, I know I disappointed you with this embarrassing scandal.
Funny. When Delonte West was on the team it was James’ mom who was head coach.
My god that is an incredibly punchable face.
In Mike’s defense, he was pretty awesome in R.B.I. Baseball.