This might be the greatest post in the history of Gawker. This man is asking the right questions!
This might be the greatest post in the history of Gawker. This man is asking the right questions!
So I get that if you came to the vigil expecting to watch a slideshow of your dead friend and cry then it would be jarring for it to be about politicians making speeches. We should honor how these kids are feeling, even if we don’t agree with it.
Good job gun control nuts.
Maybe it seems stupid because capitalism, even with its flaws, has created more wealth for more people, and brought more people out of poverty than any economic system in human history.
I ws reacting to the previous poster saying “we need to get Republicans on the record” as if thats somehow going to hurt them at the ballot box. My point was that Democrats have been saying the same shit for 50 years. “Racism, hurting poor people, destroying the environment, hurting workers, hurting consumers, blah,…
You want people to loan you money for free?
Democrats have been accusing Republicans of trying to kill and starve poor people for 50 years now. That horse is beaten to death.
Gawker comments section: Conservatives are just a bunch of rubes who unquestioningly lap up everything Fox News tells them to think and attacks anyone who tries to pierce their little bubble with an opposing opinion.
Hey, remember when Hillary spent months saying that Trump was unethical and not nearly as wealthy as he claimed, and the New York Times published a report in October 2016 saying Trump lost nearly a billion dollars, and HE WON ANYWAY?
It’s required to be provided if theres a subpoena. And McGahn’s privilege claims are dubious at best since he already testified about his discussions with Trump to Mueller.
Hurray for rationality! You’ll be lonely around here.
Oh Libby, you poor deluded child.
Trump hints in 2016 that if he loses he may not concede or accept the election results: “MY GOD THIS MAN IS AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”
Oh man, I’m triggered. LOL
The Congress is legally entitled to an unreacted copy of the Mueller Report,
If he fails to do so, Nadler issues a subpoena, and, when Barr doesn’t comply, they take the Sergeant At Arms, he marches over to the Justice Department backed up by the Capitol Police, and they arrest Barr and put him in jail until he complies.
Dude, the freakin report is out. Its been out for 2 weeks now. This was point I made to the first person I responded to: at this point, who fucking cares how Mueller felt about how the report was being characterized, the whole world knows what it says now. Barr’s “principal conclusions” were borne out by the report.…
The mental pretzels you people have to twist yourselves into to keep this delusion alive is truly stunning.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Directly from the WaPo story ( of course, buried around 13 grafs in):