
It saddens me that this is the attitude much of the world is adopting - to exclude and marginalize those in need and grasp greedily at what they have. These are sad times indeed.

But it’s “CLEAN COAL”. Trump said it over and over again... “CLEAN COAL, CLEAN COAL, CLEAN COAL” so it must be a clean clean clean industry!!! He only says things that are true!!! (I’m going INSAAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Are you kidding me? Well at least now the fucker can get his guns legally since they’re trying to get Obama’s bill to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill turned over. Is there no justice anymore?

Love and trump. Synonyms in no one’s book EVER!

That is disturbing and HILARIOUS!!!

Me too. I’m not a “bubble boy”, — er “girl”. Most germs will not kill me. I’ll live dangerously with my scary unwashed pillow and clean pillow case and cover.

AT least Mel looks like he might be (coked up and) listening. Vince is throwing daggers with his eyes...

I clearly remember Oprah had the whole Trump clan on her show during her last season. She kissed ass so hard it was difficult to watch. Totally bought what he was selling with the stroking of his ego and his “beautiful family”. I’ve thought about that episode a lot in the last year. I don’t share everyone’s faith in