Martín Lasarte

No, Dany's mother had several pregnancies, but almost all of them ended in miscarriages. Only Rhaegar, Viserys and Dany lived to adulthood. The ones that were killed in Robert's rebellion were Rhaegar's children with Elia Martell, Dany's little niece and nephew, murdered by Gregor Clegane.

Jaime's promise to Edmure was that he and his son with Roslin Frey would be sent to Casterly Rock to live out their lives comfortably (although still prisoners). It was either that, or have his son killed.

I believe she's being put on trial for Robert's death

In the 1890's tango was only danced in South American whorehouses. I guess it's appropiate Lily's girls danced to it.

It makes no sense. They are risking the life of the heir to Winterfell just because they want to put him in the building? Winterfell is overrun with Bolton soldiers, and if Ramsay were to leave the castle, he would take Rickon with him, not leave him there and risk someone else taking Winterfell and naming the boy

The problem with Alliser's decision to betray Jon is the timing. Remember, last season Jon left him in charge of the Wall and went to Hardhome to rescue the wildlings. Then he came back, asking Alliser to open the gates. THAT'S when he should have turned against Jon, when he had Castle Black under his control and Jon

If they give him a fake direwolf's head, why not give him a fake Rickon? The only reason the Umbers would deceive Ramsay is that they are actually Stark loyalists, and Stark loyalists would NEVER put the real Rickon in Ramsay's hands.

I'm not really an Olly hater, but I just want to point out he wasn't "sent" to the Night's Watch, he chose to become a recruit. No one forced him (although he didn't have many other choices, him being a mere peasant and his parents being dead) and he was clearly happy to be fighting the free folk.

It would be called enforced method acting

I couldn't disagree more with the AV Club reviewer, I thought last episode was one of the best of the show (if not the best). Jeri absolutely chewed the scenery in all her appearances, and the Malone-Bruce scenes had some of the best acting the show has ever given us. I'm not saying Gotham isn't flawed, but last

According to Antonia Fraser's book, Catherine of Aragon actually had blond (or light brown) hair, not red, as Wolsey claims in Wolf Hall.

It's weird that Grenier got so much backlash for sharing that first image, I saw it everywhere on Facebook and no one took issue with it.

I read somewhere that Tony's rage at the varsity athlete remark is actually about him and his involvement in the Mafia. Remember, Tony made his first hit when he was very young, 22. Football college was his last, and maybe only, chance of getting out of the family business (even if, as Junior claims, he didn't have

I don't know if "The Suitcase" was a bottle episode. Almost all of the main cast appeared in the first few scenes, and some recurring characters, like Anna Draper, her niece Stephanie, Duck Phillips and Peggy's boyfriend and family reappeared. And while most of the action took place inside the office, there were