
My friends said I was "too paranoid" when they saw me tearing and shredding the address labels on all my snail mail and magazines... who's paranoid now suckers?!? lol

Do not forget, when Cohle and Hart were investigating the little girl who went missing — which they suspect is related to the Lange case — they're told about rumors of a girl being chased by a being with a head of spaghetti. Cthulhu?

Internet life can make us feel like we've seen everything . . . then mother nature hits us with something so gosh-darn breathtaking, we feel like preschoolers learning about airplanes again.

Beauty Incarnate.

This misses the point entirely. By fetishizing the frame of a photo and the act of recording, you take yourself out of the moment. It's not that you're not paying attention, it's that you're viewing reality through a conceptual framework of "media." Being out of the moment is rarely good. There are probably a ton

The part they use to pierce the skin.