Martin Tupperware

How would you conflate two things with Nazi in them? There's so many meanings!

Lori Loughlin was in Rad, too?

Needs a Peter Cetera duet; think "After All", with Cher is the only one on a soundtrack.

Definitely not like a bird.

"Put it in the Bag
Put it in the Bag
Bump Bump"

J&J2: Dunkaccino Goes West

"Ingram Covers The Ocean"

So, this guys a plumber, or something?

"Im seeing doubleā€¦ FOUR Peyton List's!"

No, there's no "Billy Ocean of Today", yet another sign of society's regression.

Well, then today's news will really bum him out.

I'm really looking to "Five Horror Movie Pack", starring Definitely A Woman.

It was his grandpa's car. Sister got the family wagon, because responsible.

What's next? We're gonna take down the Drake statues?!?

I'm interested in what they do with the sister character.

Everything is Gallagher's fault.

Yeah, I'm on the West Coast, so I figure he'll outlive me by an hour or so.

It's like a magical polygon of blame, every side is the same length.

Yes, concise thought is the true pillar of the Trump brand.

I seriously looked at the logistics of emigrating to Greenland on election night. Gotta go through the Danes.