
Well, not perfectly clear of graphical bugs, but I'm running the Wii version on a fairly old rig. It's been surprisingly cooperative.

The thing already looks beautiful as it needs to be. Just play it on emulator for the higher resolution and forget a PS3 port.

Whoa, that got me. Cheesy record scratching aside, this 'un makes me want to listen to more o' their stuff. That end bit o' poetry's a perfect bookend to a loose tune.

They're like a simpler, voice filtered Radiohead. Not bad, but not my thing.

We're having fun. We all know the "best" is subjective, but labelling something as the "best" generates competitive spirit. Besides, it's just breakfast cereal.

Harvest Crunch, original recipe.

Don't know particularly how to feel about this, then again I'm not a tablet enthusiast. Microsoft got some excellent marketing this time 'round though.

I've played both. RC2 and whatnot is definitely superior to the original, much in the same way that I consider Pokémon G/S/C superior to R/B/Y.

No comedic inspiration? If people find the Sims funny, they'll laugh at RollerCoaster Tycoon too.

Is there a generic name for that wooden diamond toy? It was my third favourite thing as a toddler, and I love to know what to call it.

And you've convinced me to watch Prometheus. Not now, 'cuz I have work soon, but the next time I can go to the theatre. Wowzers! I haven't been to the theatre in over a year. Popcorn prices must have doubled by now.

Heh, I got over discovering what it meant to be human before I ran into this movie, so it's not like the themes held my attention. The only thing I expect from movies is good atmosphere, good acting, and good story.

Nah, it was the same version twice over. I bought the director's cut on VHS.

Funny thing is, I've pretty much convinced myself it didn't happen. I was discussing the series at my gaming club, and that entry completely slipped my mind. The other person in that conversation reminded me of it, but it seems I was unconsciously denying its existence since I couldn't say anything but

Well, it's a Blade Runner thread, so I might as well mention what I was thinking not ten minutes before this article got posted.

The prescription's a bit one-size-fits-all, but I'll definitely be incorporating it in my repertoire. I'm not skilled at these arguments yet.

There are some topics about which I'm willing to fight forever, being completely invigorated and impassioned no matter what the result. Against capital punishment being one, but fighting against misogyny's toxic.

Rockstar's games sold well for being wishy-washy ports. While they didn't sell well in comparison to AAA blockbusters, they made a good amount of money for what they were.

Hah, it's strangely addictive, like the smell of gas when you fill up the car's tank.