- being a sanctimonious prick
- being a sanctimonious prick
User name checks out.
I love these cars so much and I’m really happy to see somebody actually drove theirs, but damn that interior looks like a strip club from the 90's that never got refurbished.
No, I’m sure his fellow Republicans were just busy doing regular 2019 Republican things, like disenfranchising minorities, figuring out creative ways to screw the working poor, and literally stealing candy from babies.
He’s both complaining that a black man wasn’t appropriately punished and highlighting black on black violence. Seems pretty in line with GOP talking points to me!
only because those black guys are there for their entertainment. He probably thinks that if he buys tickets he can tell them “I pay your salaries.”
A republican caring about something involving two black men is pretty remarkable though.
From the dirtbag that led the charge to repeal ACA in 2017...
They copied the screen and cluster... That’s about it...
Do you mean ‘glaring’ rather than ‘galling’ differences? They would only be the latter if you were really, really hoping the G3 looked exactly like the Tesla.
I’m actually curious how much they bought from tier 1 suppliers. All the major interior pieces look nabbed off German cars. The other question is, did Bosche, Continental, any others care where these parts were being used?
The exterior looks surprisingly better than most ‘suvs’ in the US
Wow. That steering wheel is straight out of the BMW/Mercedes/every current German car parts bin.
At least the glove box has a mechanical latch.
Sigh. Yeah. That actually looks great. Too bad BMW doesn’t build wings.
Yes, you are the only one.
Race. Car. Bed.
Sad state of affairs when birdshit is the preferable choice.
the fresh camo-print door cards were sewn using a 1920s Singer industrial sewing machine
I think this just adds another problem to the list of concerns; he still has his calendar from 36 years ago. He’s a rapist AND a hoarder!