
What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

I don’t think 16 year olds should face adult charges no matter what.  Obviously his parents raised him like shit, they were probably raised like shit too.  He doesn’t need adult charges, he needs help to not be a shithead into adulthood and jail does not provide that help.

You can’t really trust males under 26, to be honest. Around then, in most individuals, enough prefrontal cortex has matured, to inhibit the worst tendencies. But even after that age, increasing the arousal state through anger or other means will leave you with a Neanderthal.

No.” - Wealthy people with connections Texas

Not that she’d notice.

There is a non-zero chance that the blonde lady didn’t sustain some kind of head injury; even a mild concussion would be a given.

I’m of the opinion that everyone should be automatically an organ donor with no opt outs. This notion that you or your family want your body intact when one of your organs can literally save someone’s life or improve their QoL drastically is utterly ridiculous to me. You’re going to be put into the ground or cremated,

In Washington state, it’s not required to wear a helmet, but in the event of a potentially fatal accident, lack of one is an automatic DNR. I think that’s a pretty fair rule for those “freedom” types

My favorite part was when they said that the slippery slope of things like “seat belt laws” would lead to the complete conversion to socialism of the US.

And much like vaccination, a close brush with disaster will give you religion. I was in a ~30 mph crash in my early 20's, kissed the windshield and still have a small divot missing from my nose. I’ve worn my belt ever since.

Yeah, imagine if being near someone who was in a crash could cause you to involuntarily crash your own car. And there were simple, cheap things you could do to prevent car crashes almost entirely.

Derek Kieper was an anti seatbelt advocate who died in a car crash where a seatbelt would have saved his life.

The grom is a pure city bike. Anyone who takes theirs on a highway has a death wish. Its not serious for a commute. And for not much more, you can get one of the excellent 250/300/400 cc bikes.

Jarritos Mandarin is freaking delicious....

Hey, Land Rover, this is what you were supposed to do with the Defender.

Twenty bucks says someone rolls their new Bronco while off-roading within 24 hours of taking delivery.

Plus toss in our premiums, what the company pays, standardize forms, lift regulations elevating prescription drug costs, and more. The money for universal healthcare is right there in front of us.

The biggest expenditures in government are Medicare, Medicaid, Defense, Social Security, and interest payments on debts. We can definitely afford universal healthcare if you trim Defense and merge Medicare/Medicaid/VA healthcare into one universal system. People just need to vote for the politicians to do so, which is

But we can't afford healthcare