
And.... your wrong.... That’s like saying a ‘55 Mercury with Factory A/C isn’t cool because you can take any ‘55 Mercury and add it fro Vintage Air. There’s only a few hundred of these cars. As a maybe car person you should understand that your “so what” *aka I can’t even take the time to understand why someone else

First, F.U.

Time to run to your safe space, snowflake, you’ve got nothin’ on Mr. Donovan. You’d soil your little panties if you were in that Bomber with him all those years ago.

The free world has everything to thank Mr. Donovan for and until you pick up a rifle and defend your nation in active combat, don’t even dare to disparage

Meh- my 95 year old mom still drives a few miles a week. It’s about knowing your limits. I wish she would give it up, but I’ll probably be the same way. Mind you, this the same lady who once went AWOL from an elderhostel tour through France so she could attend practice at the Monaco GP one year...

By law, it isn’t - but many of us will go the extra mile to right the wrongs caused to the men who proved themselves far better Americans than the scum littering the landscape these days. To us, it is treason.

Not only are you an asshole, you can’t fucking read!

good to know... hopefully by maiden voyage not at a C&C,

Climbing into a plane day after day to face the hell of Nazi bullets and flak knowing you only have a 30% chance of completing your tour alive is more than enough to earn this gentleman an extra degree of respect and deference IMHO.

Please regale us with all the tales of how you are the best driver in the world. how about we let the WW2 vet do what he wants. he has certainly earned it.

Stealing from the elderly is criminal.

Insensitive !

“Rain and fog delays? How cute." —every WRC driver, ever