Martin Kent

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance! The freewheeling family phenomenon on Father’s Day, shows how stupid the parents are, that can’t see their kids safety betrayed.

The freewheeling phenomenon created frankenstien drivers cyclists and pedestrians. Also self driving cars won’t get insurance coverage.

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

The public are suffering from the freewheeling phenomenon. Also self driving cars won’t get insurance.

Road Safety Office at W.H.O. believes that the Vestibular effect is undiscussed and long overdue for a make over. Also self driving cars won’t get insurance in my view.

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance.

The new driver has vestibular Structure issues. Also self driving cars can’t get insurance.

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance!

Self driving cars won’t get insurance. The Vestibular Structure is the missing link in public safety on the road.

The Vestibular Structure causes spatial misunderstanding, like Velocitization and the freewheeling phenomenon. Insurance companies won’t insure self driving cars.

Public never hear about civic responsibilities. Self driving cars won’t get insurance coverage.

The Vestibular Structure is the smoking gun in traffic navigation and self driving cars won’t get insurance coverage, The Road Safety Office at W.H.O. feels that the vestibular effect is long overdue for public discussion. What do you say?

No insurance company will insure self-driving cars!