Bowl of Cheeriovoids


What was that Dudley Moore movie? I think 'Crazy People'… Where an advertising guy comes up with a tag line for a horror movie: "This film will f**k you up for life!" That was what people were saying about The Exorcist in the 70's… Is it true they actually mixed into the audio actual screams of pigs being

…the morning following Letterman's final show no less :-(

…and as we all know, A is A.

The exchange about her having translated his speech into pig-Latin made me laugh out loud.

So he was the Poochie of Mayberry?

Flip Your Wig and Candy Apply Grey are my personal favorites… The songwriting is pretty consistantly stellar, with very few sub-par tracks. I won't argue they're better albums than Zen Arcade or NDR, but definitely more approachable…

"Last In Line" was one of the first metal songs I had to learn to sing when I joined my friend's metal band when I was like 15… See, we actually PLAYED Dungeons & Dragons at the time so there was nothing uncool about Dio's lyrics… We search for the truth! We may Die upon the tooth (?!)… I loved it.

Complete lyrics for the song "Ballad of Dio" by M.O.D: In the dark of the day Or the black of the sun He's coming for you Look out!

Don't get me wrong, it's a classic, and as I said it's in my top 5… Maybe top 3… I was admitting that I developed an emotional attachment to the movie before I knew much about what made films great, to the point where I have no objectivity about it.

Come to think of it, I was like 14 or so when I first saw A Clockwork Orange, and that was also my reaction to it at the time: It was awesome… It was cool… It was, like, artistic! 30 years later it's still in my Top 5 Movies Of All Time, but admittedly the nostalgia factor for how much I remember how it rocked my

Had to hit the rewind button immediately after that scene, because WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?

Henry Blake and Barry's balls are one and the same?

Oh come on, let's be honest now, if you subbed prosecco for champagne in a mimosa, how many people would actually notice the diff?

As Archer is wont to do

Sound judgement if you

I think that was the first time anyone in the entirety of Western Civilization anyone has typed that sentence.

And sex IS economics…

"I'm CURED! Praise GOD!"

I've driven across it… I believe it.