Bowl of Cheeriovoids

That is correct… nobody had a problem with her nipple visibility

Old Guy With Too Many Tattoos syndrome? Is there such a thing as the Exactly Correct Number of Tattoos for the 40+ set?

Or a Hornswoggler, Snozzwangler, or a Vermicious Knid…

Bassist from Motley Crüe is Nikki Sixx, with 2 x's, but bonus points for, "Pete Townsend of The Who quickly followed with a guitar of his own, and the memento snowball started rolling down the hill."… "Memento momentum" must have been tempting, just staring you in the face, but you held strong. I tip my hat.

I really liked Red State… it's not a great film, mind you, but it doesn't deserved to be lumped in with Clerks II & Yoga Hosers.

If there was any truth to that concept, Trump would never have gotten elected.

Cucumber bruised?

I still remember that "tortoise nervosa" episode fondly… "So… I switched… to decaf… but I… digress…"

Waking Life!

If by "sleep with her" you mean "blowing his load on her dress during foreplay" then he did 😂

All together now: "Saucy Jack, you're a haughty one/Saucy Jack, you're the naughty one."

Still catchy though. Never could decide if the best lyric was "I see the truth when I'm all stupid-eyed" or "My blood just wants to say hello to you."

If my wife's ex-bf had commandered the mic at our wedding and started rambling about his feelings, and that he had earlier professed his love for her, a friend or relative tackling him would be the only suitable course of action. Or punching him out.

Was waiting for Laurie to pull out her phone and show the picture Kevin sent her last episode after Matt threw her under the bus, to prove that Kevin was indeed just delusional.

I believe "frank & beans" is the preferred term?

"You said rape twice."
"I like rape."
Ah, the 70's


Oh Lord! Se7en messed me up a fair bit… the off-screen stuff… they (mercifully) never even showed the lust victim, but even still!

It was indeed. Good catch!