Martin Hudak

I can't reply to the main post. I just wanted to say, as a fan of the show since the night the original series first aired, this is one of the best summaries of the show and why I love it that I have ever read. And also the first comment I've ever read that brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. And I agree with

My family came from the Basilicata region and spoke a very bad version of the Italian language. I remember cousins came to visit us from Rome and my nana who was the only member of the family who could still speak some Italian was embarrassed to talk to them because she thought she'd sound "uneducated".

I'm glad someone feels the same as I do about Armisen. He strikes me as a semi-talented attention whore.

I'd watch that. One hour of Ian McShane insulting a random Deadwood hooplehead every week.

I consider the bits he did as Elvis in the back of the limo telling stories at different points in his career to be one of the most brilliant comedy skits of all time.

I completely agree about the scenes in the West. And as a big Sherlock Holmes fan I can't help but think of "A Study In Scarlet". The first time I read it I had no idea the story was going to change settings from Victorian London to the old West. The juxtaposition of the locations is the only similarity I see so far

Waiting for Ser Pounce to come back into the storyline.

This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Makes me laugh like hell every time.

When Ray went to visit the rapist in prison, I was expecting it to be Mason Reese.

Pulp. If you're as passionate about Different Class and This Is Hardcore as much as I am then you are immediately a friend (or lover).

I agree 100%. It came at just the perfect time in my life too. I was obsessed with it. For the first time in my life I felt like an album was written just for me because it was a perfect soundtrack to my post-big breakup life at the moment. It really is a work of genius.

I'd rather him do something he feels comfortable with and is truly inspired instead of kowtowing to the PC critics. He's a fantastic writer but lets be honest… This season is going to be hard to beat period - he'll never get close to equaling it if he's writing to please others.