Diabolik Returns

Friend of mine years ago went to his Brother's house and once there his littler toddler nephew ran to his favourite uncle, who grabbed him and hoisted him into the air - forgetting he was standing in the doorframe. The kid was alright, eventually, but was always a bit wary of his uncle afterwards. My friend says

This is the new model, the Deglove Me Elmo.

You don't drink can after can of Vegemite. Well, actually. …

You got the trailer for Monkeys Flying Starships III - The Simiananing? You lucky bugger!

Okay folks, all done here, not gonna top this. Let's pack it all away and reconvene tomorrow. Good work, Wallis, good work.

Useful for wiping up afterwards though. Last time she'll do that….

Given the reputation of the original, Dr. Thunder is not a great name….

I'm off to burn all my jumpers and potentially vermin-nesting knitwear.

You're a little gem…

That was one hell of a poker night.

I once worked on a documentary about rabies. The scenes of actual victims in India, flailing around and strapped to their beds, still gives me the shivers today.

I think I'd prefer spiders. ..

Ambulance drivers?

Does it include The Masked Mohle? Or Rabbi Vengeance?

And both played on the big screen by Robert DeNiro.

I always thought Lorne Greene's parents had a particularly spiteful sense of humour.

Speaking of James Woods……

And another piece of candy. And another piece of candy. And another piece of candy. ….

I know I'm in the minority but Chelsea Peretti getting hit by a bus isn't the worst news I've ever heard.

He got the name by dropping the 'djob'.