Diabolik Returns

Groan ass man.

….shoved up a puzzle.

I always remember a piece in a magazine joking about what was glamourous and unglamourous crimes. One of the examples was -
Glamourous - Smuggling uncut diamonds out of Russia under the noses of the KGB
Unglamourous - Being arrested for putting beer-can rings in parking meters.

Man Of Tai Chi is underrated. I was very pleasantly surprised by it.

'…dumped into a reality show with several other contestants, one of whom is a plant.' M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening 2'.

What's going on, Keanu? Looking like Angus Scrimm Jr. in that header pic.

Is it some sort of S&M joke that for the people who can actually be bothered to enter this thing and want to see the film the link isn't working? Do you get off on withholding, AV Club? Do you? DO YOU?!

Or try this, which is a lot of fun, and combines the emotional drama of political assassination, acid rain and arm wrestling with… A CYBORG! (which may be cheating…..)…

You have mistaken the word 'happiness' for 'bowel-relaxing relief'.

A Parmo and a portion of chips from a takeaway after chucking-out time and you're still sluggish come 5pm the next day. Last time I was in Manchester I came across quite a classy joint doing a 'Manchester burger', which was beef with minced kidney, and not nearly as tasty as it should have been.

I once had a brain omelette in Sharjah in the UAE. Like scrambled eggs with chunks of pencil eraser.

Owl pellets.

My father died of crocking collapse syndrome, after decades working in the medicated and lead- enriched moustache wax industry. Tragic.

I heard recordings of Rush Limbaugh's show that day and it was just everybody losing their shit and blaming a different Middle Eastern country, all with the same absolute certainty, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt. Somalia, all of them, and Limbaugh's rational considered opinion was that America should bomb all of them just

That or sandblasting.

Batman Of The Planet Of The Apes! !

I didn't know he was trans. Always loved his stuff, from Captain Star to Small Birds Singing, and the BBC Radio version of Steven Appleby's Normal Life was just brilliant.

Animal Kingdom, 'pecking order', I see what you did there!