Diabolik Returns

The people always did but the previous First Minister, the fucking unspeakable Alex Salmond, had his head so far up Trump's arse his eyes went brown. Look up online Salmond's siding with Trump over getting tenants, some of whom had been there for generations, thrown off their land to allow for the Trump golf course to

'He's not getting one, Joe, he pulled someone's arm off, for god's sake….'

A sweaty Diamond Joe in his Daisy Dukes…..

…… are three words.

Charles Martinet, who does all the voices on the games, was on BBC's Click the other night. Looks about 103.

I didn't…… was I meant to?

I've met Bjork and she's absolutely weeny. However she has the madness levels of someone five times her height.

Stealing your sweet rolls, arrows or knees?

Peter Wyngarde wasn't actually in The Sandbaggers. You may be confusing him with Jerome Willis, the two looking, at that time, not unalike.

'… a robed skeleton consumes bezoars and excretes entrails to the delight of a floating eye; a flying hand longs for another flying hand; a golem experiences a strange pleasure as it rips its flesh off.' Oh dear god, AGAIN! Are there no new ideas anymore?…..

I have set myself a task today, to work the phrase 'a sausage for the working man' into a conversation.

'Glier’s has the distinction of containing offal—pork hearts and pork skin, specifically—which appear as headcheese-like dark pink chunks in the otherwise pale gray raw patties and give Glier’s a noticeable funky smell before it’s fried.' Oddly enough, still not entirely sold.

This is basically made from bits of animals found only in the wilder ventures of cryptozoology, and the breakfast menu of various asylums, while scrapple was that horribly sweet fruit flavour drink that was all the rage last decade.

"Well done, Ron, you're now a partner in the ad agency.'
'Thank you, Mr. Harris'
'Your first account is the North Carolinian livermush job'
'………ah, fuck….'

'Nietzsche coping with syphilis,' the best Charades clue ever.

That made me smile.

They're unhinged!

Put it next to the burners, avoids all that annoying bending over when you need it.

True but I think they were more shocked at the end of the evening. 'She's going home with….that….?'