Diabolik Returns

Kneel before Cod!!

Williams as Squirrel Girl, Stallone as his grizzled squirrel trainer.

Actually it's a misprint. Should say Aquaman's gotta have a cod.

'Colt Prattes'?

Swine! Beat me by seconds!

It goes 'I am an individual. You are an eccentric. They are fu*king mad. …'

Put it on a double-bill with Tokyo Gore Police, where the villain eventually propells himself around on blood-cannons from his severed legs. Not the sort of thing you see everyday. ..

That seals it. Seeing this during the week, come what may. As if the trailer wasn't enough. …

I caught the really rare one - Krokodil. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! My flesh!

Sorry I avoid the output of Max Landis as I would the excretions of a rabid leper.

Hay, neighbour!

Seizure. All the way to the bottom of the paranoid crapper after that.

Digging live poodle's eyes out with a potato peeler against the clock for money?

The famously gamey Gary Busey.

The end of the fourth paragraph is the most perfect pay off.


Oh, I'd always thought they were wed beforehand. Yes…. that is worse….

You obviously didn't see Jones on the Andrew Marr programme on the BBC. Yelling, howling, ignoring questions, coming out with what appeared to be unconnected train of thought. He looked and sounded as if he belonged in a straitjacket. Marr eventually ended the 'interview' and moved on, Jones still jabbering away

Yes, Commander In Chief.

And cu*ts like Xanderpuss and OhThePossibilities have already been happily making jokes about it further up the thread.