Diabolik Returns

That sounds terribly dirty………. count me in…..

He will, he just won't tell him the title.

I'd rather saw my knob off than go see Chop.

They've got to do three more, so they'll have ten on the schedule.

I'm still trying to get a handle on it.

Or as we will now refer to him, Senor Heroin By Post…..

It is pronounced bona fide….

Some people have a way with words while others…….. not have way.

I'm about to lose my guts /
And I think I like it!

That really sounds like a line from one of those theme songs, set to a sunset where one mulleted fuckwad has his best girl on one arm and his surfboard in the other.

My Little Gelding, featuring the adventures of Nutless the pony.

Are the postcards also of fancy-looking curse words? Because if not, they should be.

Until your crayon wears out…

Pornhub doing colouring books, XHamster doing beer,what is the world coming to? Or at?

And the wonderful, gruelling twist where the nominal good guy gets horribly dispatched through trying to do the right thing, and yes, I've known horrible variations on that dudebro scumbag, a terrific performance from Tom Burke, who I'm sure is otherwise a lovely chap.

Was that a typo?…..

Reading down further, Logan Lucky isn't much better.

Hillbilly Heist. What a bloody awful title.

As is the appalling-sounding Moscow Mule.

I really shouldn't have laughed at that story as much as I did, I must be a truly awful person….