Martin Coloma

I'm not against Jane+Raf per se. But I'm all in for Petra and Raf, so that makes it complicated.

No, his name was Jason

One you will absolutely pay money to see disembowled with a spoon, is how I would describe Walt

I've watched that video 3 times today and I'm not getting tired!

Ernesto hearing the tape was pretty much Chuck's plan though. Chuck wants to use him to bring Jimmy down, and Ernesto down (since he lied to protect Jimmy)

Even if they don't go that route, it's so refreshing how no one cares about Marco not always following traditional gender roles.

Its not just knowing the future, its acting in the future and once that happens, that part of the future is already the past

Magda always wanted Petra to speak in english to better interact with the tourists, I guess

It's definitely a tricky situation. I'm personally of the mentality that the grown ups working together for the children of the group and comprising is benefitial. (even if that means inviting the trouble boy) But that also means that Jane should be also more open to the requirements of the

Mateo would have probably taken that as another sign that he is a 'bad boy' who doesn't fit, which in turn would have fueled his bad behaviour.

Ok, so this show came out years ago and I'm just watching it on Netflix. Maybe it's the binge watch, but at this point, I feel so exhausted. I know that the premise from the very beginning has been that Chloe "has the morals of a pirate" and it was funny for a long time. But right now, it's just tiring to see how

A lot of people on reddit thought the spelling of Dolores was Delores or Deloris. Once it was clear that trying to prevent people from misspelling the name was futile, everyone started doing it on purpose (Delorax, Diloures, Delaware, Dohaeris, etc) and it somehow evolved into Dorito, so that's how I call her now.

And how those clothes are nonlonger bloody. The Dolores in William's storyline is probabbly lying dead on the riverbed

We know that he is old enough to have been mechanical at some point

He even outright said all good stories are rooted on truth when talking about that narrative

Wyatt is part of a new narrative. The narrative is based on Dorito killing everyone in that town. Wyatt is playing the role of Dorito. (They might use Abernathy to play Wyatt?)

I mean, she is his adopted half sister

She can tap dance.

Yeah, I was hoping that too. Then I remembered that her hair blonde and she dyed it brown at some point.

It also hints at the idea that Janet is not programmed to understand the concept of poliamory.