Martin Anders

"Cept Adalind would never 'lose' another kid ever again."

On the contrary, I'd say she barely passed half the time and now she has failed her final test by taking Kelly away from Nick.

As far as advice goes, Eve's was pretty spot on.

I never bought the whole "Adalind is no longer a hexenbiest, so she has turned into a good person" line to begin with. Adalind is doing what she always does - make the selfish choice to serve her short-term needs with no regard for long-term consequences or danger she puts others in.

You still haven't met your obligation of backing up your wild assertions about Juliette and HW. Sounds like you are looking for an excuse for an out because you don't have anything to back up your claims.

Trubel might be dodging questions because she was told to keep secrets.

After you.

I've already backed up my statement with an analysis of what it takes to be one of the good guys (or "on the side of the angels", as you put it). If you have any objections to that, then we can talk about it after you back up your claims.

Done. Your turn.

I never promised you a quote. I said, the show made it clear that Renard was one of the good guys. Even if someone on the show went around talking about how good Renard is, that would just be that character's opinion. There are different ways to determine whether a character is one of the good guys
1. Other good guys

Where's the quote? Gimme a link.

Apparently they are paying her pretty well.

What bow and arrow?

You are the one who needs to add a little extra because you are the one assuming things that are nowhere to be found.

"Er, Greenwalt and Bitsie Tulloch?"

I sure hope so. But then Adalind was complicit in that too and it didn't disqualify her.

But Trubel isn't in the mix at all.

First of all, you are taking way too much for granted about Juliette. Who said she was dead inside? Who said she had no feelings? All we know is that she doesn't care about the same things as she used to - nothing more. Where are you getting this picture of emotionless killing machine from?

Grimm does that a lot, don't you think? Apparently every major historical event was Wesen related, a whole lot of major historical figures were either Wesen or Grimm or somehow related to them and yet, somehow, no one knows about Wesen.