
I think the problem is when your love of music turns into a love of audio as an abstract concept. There simply is an upper limit on the resolution of the human ear, and I think it's capacity was reached long ago. Further developments might make things sound different, but not empirically superior.

I look at this and think - wireless, where art thou.

@ImmaLion: You stopped them? WHY?!??!?!?!

I think this says more about 24/7 Wall St. than it does about the companies listed. People that work in "Business" often have very poor understanding of how the world really works from behind their desks.

Someone just made their million...

I love it when people pwn themselves.

I love it when people pwn themselves.

30% of the U.S. Military to be Robotic by 2015....Muhahahahahahahahah

I'll just leave this here...

@Siderz: The point of vaporizers is that there is no burning, it heats just enough to release the active components and not burn the cellulose. So smoking might be bad, but using a vaporizer is not smoking.

@Siderz: Weed is not bad for you.

@SJRNWT: You do realize than in many countries, and some U.S. states, pot is legal. Also I think he said herbs. Might be St. Johns Wort in there...

Moral issues aside - theres no reason not to assume that it's not technically feasible to reanimate people.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.

I was on the beach today looking at the BP oil slick, and I started wondering why the U.S. oil industry is not nationalized. Oil is not an area where there are "better products" and "innovation" that capitalism provides.