
Why everyone assumes people would use their cellphones or home Internet connections is beyond me. I imagine that rescue teams and other organizations could just plop a WiFi hotspot down and give people 5 minutes each to send out missives, maybe provide a few laptops.

Reminds me of cereal in the grocery store.

This rule is an FCC regulation to prevent communication congestion in old equipment. It is not, nor was it ever, safety related. In Europe, many places have stopped enforcing this "rule", as they only did it because the US was doing it.

It's rather well documented actually, this is an FCC rule, not an FAA rule. The first cell phone towers were bogged down by 200 phones going 400MPH as they took off, and to prevent congestion, they told the FAA to have people turn devices off during takeoff.

I'm in between them too. I’m old enough to work hard, but young enough to know that sometimes the game is rigged and playing the game just prolongs the inevitable and rewards the puppetmasters in the process. The current system is based on unfixable bullshit, and I'd rather watch it burn than waste my time rewarding

Sofia Vergara from Modern Family. For purely comical reasons.

I don't consider micro-usb obscure. It was designed for more insertion cycles than the other USB options, and is in all the Galaxy S phones. I am pretty sure that most phone manufacturers have signed on to use it as a standard to end the tyranny of specialized phone chargers/data cables.

I take 5mg nightly, plus Chromium and mefloquine once a week.

The spark that sets off the heart is minuscule in terms of power, it coaxes the heart to use caloric energy to "beat" and thus create more energy. This thing is food powered not heart powered.

Curious. Does it bug you that the universe is dotted with nebula? Just floundering about, being all nebulous, not compacting into a respectable star or planet. The universe seems kinda like a honey badger that way, it just doesn't give a fuck.

I want nothing "from scratch". I want it all made purposefully, with the proper amounts of fresh ingredients, combined in such a way to create the ultimate version of whatever product I am aiming for - not doing the best with what I can scratch together. "From Scratch" being a good thing is as strange to me as "home

My seat, my recliner. If you are dissatisfied with the options a particular airline grants to passengers who take the time to select seats which recline, take it up with the airline. Airlines are private transportation, if you want more comfort, pay for it or stay home. Any bottles attached to the rear of my chair

Maybe you got stuck on wording, but the nuance and seminal thrust of the issue is focused on wether a presidential cantidate lied to the world to save face and to massage "optics" to win the most powerful position on earth.

Then the opposite sex seems shallow and petty...because if you really do know a lot, there is no pretense. You're just smart, as some people are thin, muscular, singers or other factual statuses.

Why would advanced aliens have a blindingly bright spacecraft, and choose to fly it at night, over a "holy" site? I mean, people are talking about how advanced they must be, but it could also be some bored alien getting kicks in the backwater of the galaxy in his alien version of an economy car. Voyager is about to

@UltimateFlank: No one made you use Google's free services.

Who waits on OTA? People are running 2.3 on freaking iPhones already - and people are complaining about their GalaxyS devices? Just handle your own stuff and, just like the music and film jerks, they will respond to what we want instead of what they think they will get away with.

Trust me, if you have one and get used to it, you miss it when it's gone. Bonus? This also means we're likely going to get full video consoles in all cars, and I bet they won't just be used for backing up.

@JAlexoid: Trust me when I tell you that this latest batch who is growing up with a smartphone in their hands who can reference WikiPedia instead of their bigoted parents is going to be a different breed. Information democratizes and equalizes, and our increasing access to it will eventually stamp out conservative BS