
“He could have easily killed them with a knife!”

[brings ups some multiple stabbing in China where everyone survives]

Yes, a tragic death of a child who was gunned down by a gun that was way too easily acquired BY A 14 YEAR OLD is no place to bring up gun control.

Your tears of anguish?

I dunno. I’ve been on message since day 1.

I love when the butthurt delete my comments when I don’t agree with them.

Yes, because the message is what is offensive. That makes sense.

The guns aren’t. Kids are dying. I think I will continue.

Yeah, sure you are.

Literally! She is right now in Syria handing them over directly to ISIS, one gun at a time! Literally!

I believe the site you want is Grow a sense of humor douchebag.

A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance

You know, I’m tired of the misandry masquerading as feminism.

So shouldn’t they have an obligation to not promote subreddits that engage in transphobia and misogyny?

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

Ground turkey makes poor spaghetti. The vegetarian version is better.

It mostly upsets me because I live here, and I have seen too many black families sobbing the ashes over businesses they spent their entire lives building. Knowing that no one will give enough fucks to come to their aid. Hopefully everyone will set up those lovely GoFundMe’s again if something terrible happens.

Yeah—that galls me. What the hell will that do? Is that what we should all expect, want, look for as part of the solution? Terrible line in an otherwise OK piece.

This was beautifully written, as most in the comments are saying. It breaks my heart to see “burn the stores,” though. While I obviously know that making sure no one is hurt and that changes are made are priorities number one, I’m really hoping that no one gets their life’s work burnt down again—most of these

What I’m looking for is Miller High Life. Which, in some places, costs only $7 for a six-pack.

Beat the shit out of? Not what I heard.