
Three years ago I quit one of my jobs to do it and actually came out ahead financially. Last year I worked holiday help while the garden was off-season to make back even more money. That isn't even counting the long-term financial benefits of being healthier because of it, thus negating the need for a lot of

I live so far below the poverty line that my quickest way to riches would be to keep going down till I pop out the other side. If I collected unemployment it would more than double my income. I eat like a king. Less than $500 a year funds my gardening and preserving effort that is so productive I am able to give the

worrying about weight loss takes up much of the precious brain bandwidth

Err. What? Don't make this about you. We can accept all bodies and be happy for people who achieve their weight loss goals at the same time.

Yep. Us white people are all giant pieces of shit. We should totally commit mass suicide or something.

I'm going to be at least a little heartless, so if you are not also heartless, probably don't read. Forewarned is forearmed.

I'm a gay woman who has spent considerable time in Russia. Therefore, I have been following the LGBT movement in Russia for some time and have been trying to keep as up to date as possible on the recent anti-LGBT laws, their repercussions, and media response in Russia and the west. Unfortunately this particular

Shit, you step away from the computer...
No, no I’m not trolling. Not at all, that accusation is a little unfair just because you and I seem to disagree. I don’t know if it is because I used the word “fuck,” like, it sounds harsh to some, but that is the word I use for sex with another person. I’m not being sarcastic.

If your man prefers your body type then as his sexual partner you have a "responsibility" to maintain it. If you did start losing weight or firming up your muscles he might lose interest. If you changed your habits and focus to become a health nut your personality and motivations in life would change and secondarily

your impotent rage is unsettling and gross to behold. there was nothing "Randian" about her statement. I wonder what you would've mumbled in real life.

no, little boy, that set-up only fails when the relationship itself is already bullshit. If a man feels "emasculated" by staying at home with children, then I don't want him.

But here's the deal - there HASN'T been an ideal held for thousands of years set by women for men. The male physical ideal has typically been set by men, not women. Women, on the other hand, had, for centuries, been told NOT to go for looks, but money and status (see other comments on this very thread), and to

Do you though? It doesn't seem like it. And I'm no pro with disabilities, but that doesn't make me an 'ableist' as you imply. In fact, I'm quite the opposite, despite my personal beliefs that value fitness. The two can coexist, contrary to your knee-jerk politics and shoddy logic.

Given the sheer amount of positive recommendations I've received for my comments, we'll just have to give your singular opinion its fair value.

Seriously. Sometimes you cannot win Jezebel. I can squat and deadlift my own body weight and do 3 consecutive pull-ups. I met my boyfriend at the gym. I lift to feel good and feel accomplished in my life. I also do it to keep my ass that my boyfriend likes. You're awesome though.

No, I don't. Only ONE of the women mentions that men find it more attractive. It's like interviewing ten people about their favorite thing about Pacific Rim, having ONE of the interviewees saying, "the robots!" and then accusing the JOURNALIST of liking Pacific Rim for "the Robots".

I'm not a slave to my job - I actually enjoy it. It doesn't tell me what I can and cannot do, and it doesn't make comments like, "are you really still hungry" when I'm eating.

Oh, condescending dipshit, I recently bought a home and am considering buying a second one. I have enough money - on my own - to support myself and a SO that makes nothing. Why in the world would I sacrifice my sense of autonomy as well as my self-respect so I could have, what, five houses, I guess?


Oh good god, the article is fine. It's not promoting even a TENTH of what you think it's promoting. Out of the three "quotes" mentioned, only ONE talks about looking good for the opposite sex....