I dunno, what are guys supposed to do with fat chicks?
I dunno, what are guys supposed to do with fat chicks?
Their race and body types have nothing to do with anything.
In all my 60 plus years I have never been so optimistic about our country’s future. The media and politicians are about to be neutralized because of one man. Now that is leadership.
Next time you feel the need “Trump said” ... look in the mirror and ask yourself.. “do i want to affiliate & promote a rascist elitist lying fucktard who thinks you’re a fucking idiot and is too stupid to care about reality?” ... then if you insist.. just lead with “trump said” so everyone knows to ignore what follows
Oh Trump has called it a POS? Well if Benjamin fucking Franklin himself has deemed it so, then gospel it is...
I’d rather see “child of a Pinterest mom”.
Which is why I gave up FB and IG, and only Twitter for horse racing events (strictly only follow others who also only tweet about racing).
No... The video is about how freaking annoying it is to have to capture every moment of your life in a particular way, so that it may be posted on the Internet, and do that people can then think the poster is so introspective/fabulous/philosophical/beautiful/perfect, etc, etc...
This is a fucking hell of a stretch. Why are we pretending that having your life revolve around your Instagram feed is a job and not just a reflection of someone’s narcissistic consumerism, which is like 98% of all IG feeds? My SIL shared this with my brother and frankly, I was embarrassed for both of them, but not…
It’s more of a commentary on the narcissism of many who post on Instagram. Very few great artists use(d) themselves as the sole subject of their work. Instagram promotes exhibitionism at the expense of intimacy: how many special moments are now paused so that someone can get a pic to post of it? Sorry, the thesis of…
yeah but instagram is dominantly populated by photogenic women. so i think the instagram husband, or sugar daddy or guy in the friend zone, dutifully photographing the beautiful wife kind of does apply here. i didn’t watch the video i don’t know if that’s what it’s about, but i think it is a thing.
This is an amazing advertisement for homosexuality.
Ladies, if you need me - I’ll be sucking your man while you choose a filter.
It’s not terribly patronizing at all. It’s absolutely no different than pointing out that some poor and middle-class white folks vote against their own interests by voting Republican.
1.) The whole “theme” of the video is that it’s a what 30s/40s movie shoot. Unfortunately, that means black directors or film crew workers would have been non-existant anyway.
Well said. The 10 below rule is pretty shitty advice. Dangerous, even.
Ten miles an hour under the speed limit is probably still too fast, at least if you're on a truly snowy road that's not a residential street. As someone who made it back from Illinois on Sunday night (what is normally a 3-hour drive took 5), there were very few points on the trip that I could even go 10 under safely.