Fascinating. While 5.2 mill sounds like a lot it’s really only about 2.7 after taxes.
Fascinating. While 5.2 mill sounds like a lot it’s really only about 2.7 after taxes.
>Yeah, nuclear bombs detonating outside my house? Damn straight
Let’s set up a GoFundMe with a target of $20 million to purchase the disputed property from the owner of equitable title. Each dollar pledged would buy one share of the new Groom Mine Memorial Park.
The U.S. took billions in cash to bribe people in Iraq and Afghanistan and all this conflict could have been avoided if enough zeroes had been put on the offer - instead of $5.4 million it should have been $54 million or $154 million and everyone would have been happy and it would still be a drop in the bucket…
The constitution also covers eminent domain. Also, the US government owns all of the land, so perhaps the Oath Keepers thought about it a little harder than you did?
I don’t deserve to get paid anything if I don’t want to sell. But if I were open to a sale on the property, I would have a set price range that I’d expect for it and wouldn’t take anything less.
They don’t live there because the usa govt made it hard, nay dangerous to live there. These people have been held at gun point and threatened by either usa soldiers or subcontractors. If it wasn’t for the usa govt, these people would still be quietly mining on their family mine.
There are not enough stars to give to a story this interesting. Fascinating read, as always Tyler.
They seem to have done a good job preserving their historical documents. They probably knew they would be in for a fight at some point. I would be surprised if it’s not produced as part of their court case.
It’s not just about real estate and the real estate is worth much, much more than that to the Air Force.
“They sent those four guys out in the desert with nothing,” Ben Sheahan said of those early surveyors. “They would have starved to death and froze to death if it had not been for the people at Groom Mine that put them up in their bunk house and fed them and helped them. They actually went out and helped them to survey…
$13,000 an acre for land that no one else would want sounds pretty decent. But maybe inaccessible desert land that is god awful hot in the summer is in high demand. You mention the constitution. It allows for government seizure. Now the courts will decide. So the value of the land will be argued, and the constitution…
Why do people have to be so stubborn? You reap what you sow.
There seems to be a disconnect between your “fantasy” and the horrors this family has had to endure by living it.
Oh that´s easy. Get an appraisal of how much money each square meter of that base is valued for the USA government and how much more would that base value would improve by acquiring that land. My bet that is much more that 5 fucking million dollars. For folks that like to throw BILLIONS on shitty tech that (sometimes)…
So fedgov’s low ball offer is fair because of how fedgov has impaired the value of the land?
Further proof that power corrupts and we need much more accountability.
That’s what they keep saying, but what pray tell *is* the value of the land? They don’t have a mill onsite, and would have to export all of the ore offsite for processing. Even then, there isn’t even any hint of how much more of the deposits still remain underground.