Martha Sheahan

My great grandfather first arrived in 1889. Native Americans lived in those lands to o until they “moved” after the horses they traded were herded up canyons and shot with (0 caliber ma home gun fire by guess who..

Are you speaking of our ne Basin and Range National Monument? President Obama says its “Priceless”

I suggest you price a mill.

I was alive and I was alive to be nuked starting in the womb. I've been shot at, held hostage in my house and have been threatened to have my head blown off. Where do you get your information?

Your post makes me sad. To sacrifice all of your rights as an American for $$$$???

I couldn't agree with you more.

You are reading this article and commenting because we did try to stop this unconstitutional land grab with no due process. NOT ONE politician said a word.I wish I could explain to you how the last 60+ years was spent working for no profit and all family members spending all the money they could afford to just try to

My Grandfather made the equilavent of $1.3 Million in 1950, the year before the Nukes started. He owned a house in Las Vegas that he paid cash for. He owed zero $$ on anything. The mill, equipment etc all paid for. There is a large ore body there with some of the veins 30-50 foot wide and no end in sight the long way

No fear. We, unlike the government, knew where our property line ended. We are not out to divulge ANYTHING that could potentially hurt our Country.

With all due respect, you are wrong on all accounts.

And then there is that beautiful aquifer of clean water. In fact we’re sitting on a Graben (Reservoir) and we own it. Worthless? This water has flowed since recorded history. Then there are Timber rights, gravel right, ditch & canal rights (geologically ) all rights of way and “any other right appurtenant to bringing

Your understanding is incorrect. The Air Force has never tried to purchase our land previously unless you consider bombing our business off the face of the Earth an offer. Part of our deep connection to that land is Because of the terrorist type activities done to us. For some reason there are people who don't