Martha M.

I’m not sure if the crudeness automatically makes it harassment, but in the anti-harassment training I took for work, it was stated that asking out someone once was okay and it only becomes harassment if you keep it up after the “no”.

Honestly, the story of an A-list celebrity crudely propositioning a woman who didn’t work for him and immediately taking no for an answer is borderline wholesome on the sliding scale of Hollywood.

Yeah I’m hoping this a set-up for at least a cameo in Indy 5.

I don’t think Ford smiles that easily, but that smile don’t lie.

it’s a weird zone because on the one hand when i remember being 20, having friends date 30 year olds was almost always creepy and ill-advised, but on the other hand maybe that’s part of the learning process? it’s a weird line and everything being called “grooming” or “problematic” can often wash out things that are

Halloween 3 was one of the first horror movies I ever saw as a little kid and it scared the living crap out of me and haunted me for years, as first-horror-movies-as-a-kid are wont to do, so it has a special place in my heart for that. But watching it now... it’s certainly silly fun? Also “if you watch this video you

This handy chart for your convenience!

Season of the Witch had that awesome cover that scared the shit out of me in Jumbo Video when I was a kid.

Apperently part of the reason Halloween 3 became such a cult hit was because it flopped so bad in theaters that the studio sold it dirt cheap for local distribution.  So it was a feature of the late night movie on TV throughout the 80s

I’m going to have to rewatch A Fish Called Wanda (not a hardship) to be certain, but I’m pretty sure every time Otto yells “asshole” at a Brit, he’s driving.

any dad who goes deep undercover as a fan of an animated horse show to help is daughter is all right with me!

Bob isn’t just the best dad; this is the best TV family. Bob and Linda love and support each other (Bob cheering for Linda during the game of wet napkins, wanting to make out after a Valentine’s all-nighter helping the kids). The kids love and stand up for each other. The kids love and respect their parents (sometimes

I think the change really turned the corner in “Bob Fires the Kids” when he realizes how miserable his childhood was because of his own dad, and so made more effort to not pass that down.

The fact that Bob and Linda also actually like each other and have fun together sets them apart from other sitcom couples. 

It also serves to set him apart from Jimmy Pesto. One of the things that makes Pesto a bad guy is that he’s ashamed of his kids’ weirdness.

I mean there are many people in the US who generally believe that the justice system and the police force are overall fair and not in need of reform, so...probably?

Now I’m curious how his mother reacted to Tusk.


I fucking haaaaaaate performative religion demagogues. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.

If you go to “Start Slideshow” there’s a button to view the list. I strongly encourage everyone to click that button so whoever watches the metrics on these things sees everyone just clicking the list button and skipping everything else!