Martha M.

People of Earth.

Fuck TBS sideways for renewing it and then un-renewing it with no explanation.

I'm sure no one cares about a silly 90s sitcom but I was always saddened by Cybill's cancellation which left them on such a cliffhanger. The final episode is a 2 parter that never finished. 

Everything Carnivàle.

Oh, so apparently that Parks & Rec gag about Lowe’s Chris Traeger being an awful singer was not a joke.

This is wrong. Punkie, Andrew and Lauren were all in live sketches. The only cast member who was not in any live sketches with Melissa Villasenor. I love AV club but y’all don’t even watch the shows you’re reviewing anymore.

Some people have no taste.

Now that I’ve slept on this, I have mixed feelings. Overall, I’m doing the schadenfreudiest dance I’ve ever fucking done, but I have some thoughts.

But also, maybe people will finally take this epidemic seriously. If Donald Trump has to get sick and die for his supporters to start wearing their fucking masks when in public, it’s a sacrifice worth making.

My hope is that he lives, but gets a pretty painfully long recovery process. Some suffers of the virus have described the symptoms as awful. That’s what I hope Trump gets, so then it will shake him to his core. It won’t, but I can dream.

Just thinking: If he and his wife survive, Trump’s supporters will dismiss the virus even more and increase not follow safety protocols, endangering us even more.

“Hang in there, buddy!”

Leti has only had sex with Tic, but since he’s got magic, Old Testament blood and his last girlfriend/sexual partner was a nine tail fox demon, anything can happen in regards to their offspring.

I loved this episode so much. It might be my favourite so far. We learn what Ji-ah is. And we learn what Atticus has become during the war. What was their relationship. And why he stayed in Florida instead of coming home.

Ruby never applied for the salesgirl job as ‘Ruby’. She talked a mean game about it to her sister but by the time she actually found the courage, she saw Tamara was already hired and knew the store wouldn’t hire two black women so she never even submitted her resume. She and we find out that Tamara wasn’t hired for

The scene when Ruby/Hillary gets the free ice cream cone, instantly reminded me of the classic Eddie Murphy SNL skit, “White Like Me”

Sammy was a bartender at the bar near Montrose’s house. In episode 1, when Tic was looking for his dad (before he knew that Montrose had been kidnapped), he went to the bar because that’s where Montrose usually hung out, and he found Sammy getting a blowjob from a guy in the backalley. Tree was trying to imply that

I actually agree with the choice about Marilyn Manson, that particular choice didn’t work and, why are we still paying Manson after there’s pretty strong evidence now he’s one of the biggest predators and psychopaths in the industry not named Harvey Weinstein? [see: Evan Rachel Wood’s testimony to congress] (https://ww

My only complaint about the soundtrack thus far is that Marilyn Manson is SO “dumb but acting like it’s/he’s clever” that it lessens the scene for me. I think some sort of moratorium on using any MM in tv adaptations would be useful. Smart soundtrack choices can really elevate a show, but lazy ones do the exact

I don’t know about this episode. The acting was still incredible, as was the writing, and the “Whitey’s on the Moon” sequence was stunning, but the music and the editing felt really strange to me, and it kind of took me out of it. Maybe I’m just dumb, but the edits (along with some odd music choices) made me struggle

Whitey On The Moon