Martha M.

You’re experiencing a weird Ellen DeGeneres ouroboros:

I didn’t see any mental health issues being manipulated here, just someone asking a woman about a famous ex and that woman trying to get out of saying anything of substance about her. It ended in a car crash of a metaphor, but whatever mental health struggles she may have didn’t really play into it.

This criticism seems misplaced to me. Neither the Mr. Warburton interview nor the AV Club post have taken the angle of “Check out what wild and crazy things Anne Heche is up to now!”

And when Ellen looked down, there was only one set of footprints.

Mr. Warburton magazine, which is not, as far as we can tell, a magazine about the actor Patrick Warburton.”

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

Anyone who doesn’t think Phil wasn’t a great drummer needs to go back and listen to 1970s Genesis.

I would say his reputation for “grampa rock” is also very overstated. In the early and mid 80's he was known for music like this which was a staple on the coolest shows at the time, like Miami Vice, which in turn basically set 80's fashion to what we know of today (the sports coat with t shirt, etc..). He was the targe

This’ll definitely help while I’m driving. My commute is slightly too short to get in a full episode of most shows, but if I can speed it up a tad and squish 54 minutes of content into 45 minutes of driving, that’ll be sweet.


It is also a sign of how ultimately weak and inadequate he feels, even if he doesn’t acknowledge it to even himself. To paraphrase Tywin Lannister, the leader who feels the need to point out how much power and authority and control he has at every opportunity ultimately doesn’t have very much of any. 

One of the most disturbing things about Trump is how often he uses phrases like “I have that authority”.

Ironically, banning apps from other countries is exactly what China does on a regular basis.

I’m pretty sure it’s not about the fans. It’s about the producers of baseball live broadcasts not knowing how to do things differently.

I’d imagine to the winners it’ll mean lot.

Baseball has a very high ratio of downtime versus action compared to other team sports. The ambient noise actually helps distract viewers from the boring parts when nothing is happening.

I know they’d never do it, but this would great if they just went wild with it.

Derrick and Ongina were top 5 their seasons.

These aren't the droid cameos you’re looking for.

Again, I think I liked this episode better than most - I just love this cast and I’ll watch them do anything. I’m disappointed that Shea, Mariah, and Cracker didn’t do more with the Golden Girls concept because it could have been much funnier than it was. I thought the 24 Karat room was the most over-the-top funny, so