Martha M.

This guy is really upset over this. I mean, pretty soon you won’t be able to show your support of slavery - oops, I mean celebrate our history and heritage- anywhere!!!

50 points to Gryffindor!

And if a predator is going to attack you in the bathroom, first they’re going to get a legal certificate that says they can be in that bathroom because they would never just...break the law.

Holy crap. The fucking bathroom argument? How much of this shit does she get to spew before publishers and Warner Brothers cut ties with this transphobe?

I’m with you on this, and honestly, I just try to live and let live. My way of thinking is simple - just do your best not to be an asshole. Respect people for who they are and treat them how you’d like to be treated. Golden rule stuff. It’s not difficult. Trying my best not to sound cliche here, but I really do have

Everyone who isn’t exposed to these issues directly will mess up the pronouns from time to time. As long as you’re willing to grow and learn and try to be better, then you are fine. I wouldn’t go as far to resent the people who get mad at you though. They may have a better case to be mad than you have to be resentful.

First off, many people are born with indistinguishable or even both sets of genitals, so it has never been a matter of binary boy/girl. Accepting that someone’s brain chemistry does not match their physical characteristics is a good start.

Yes, it is good enough. “People who menstruate” is a bit of an over reach and pretending it is otherwise is absurd. People’s attitudes will adjust in a natural, orderly manner but it’s going to take time. I will strive to use whatever pronoun people prefer but I will not do it by fiat or ideological pressure from

Huh? Try reading the article next time.

Not to take away from any of that, but I watched Nazis get their faces melted off, have their heads exploded, and get their eyes burned out by ghosts at age 8. The movie I saw that happen in is now my favorite of all time. Those kids will most likely be fine.

I’ve had trouble with my posts getting filtered from posting links in the past, but if you haven’t already google “Get Dusted The Movie” and at the very least watch the beginning of each show her drag family made while in quarantine. Her mind is just ridiculous and she really understands the drag on a dime aesthetic

Let’s go back to Ru’s appearance on Project Runway, shall we? Mother looked homeless on that episode with some flat and scraggly Dida Ritz (that’s Dida Ritz then, not now) shake ‘n go weave and a nose contoured by Magnolia Crawford. I doubt Ru is going to go back to those days now that she’s developed a glam look that

I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.

I hear he still really hates liver though.

You could also make an argument that having what is supposed to be a forum for the other queens to celebrate their triumphs etc. overshadowed by talk about another queen who isn’t there, and entirely due to her bad acts. wouldn’t be fair to the remaining queens.

My mom’s said that one of the most basic human needs is someone you can talk about your poop with.  Whenever I tell someone this, their faces light up and I become That Person They Can Discuss Their Poop With.  

Jimmy Jr. once wrote a ‘musoem’ about his mom’s new boyfriend Derrick.

“He’s OkaaaAAAaaay.”

More like No Country for Old Vampires! He even calls Jim the Vampire, Friendo!

I'm watching this show and I'm a completist so I'll finish the season, but I'm not sure yet if I can take another season.

What a wonderfully bizarre episode. Both funny and dark and unnerving, and touching. Also what a great showcase for Ernest Adamas as Eddie. He's been a great bit character up until now but it was great to see that they were also able to flesh him out in such a fine way.