
I think the fact that Crosshair remains mostly unchanged by this season is why they didn’t have him switch back in the finale. He hasn’t changed, therefore he’s not ready to change his decision. Personally, I wouldn’t call that unearned. It seemed to me that the show acknowledges that he’s not there yet by doing this.

That design is so hideous, and yet I can’t look away.

And Germans get shit for “overengineering”...

i played a bit last night. i miss a lot of shots cause im always looking around to see what else i can find. then i feel like im taking the right shots for the little side quests but it wont give me credit for them.

i haven’t gone caseless since my first smartphone, but i would with this one. maybe i’m just getting more mature.

Welp I need to rewatch the other 3 movies soon.  I figured we were a decade still before it ACTUALLY made it stateside. LOL

No commentary, no snark, no jokes.

Fuck J. Allen Brack
Fuck Alex Afrasiabi
Fuck Allen Adham
Fuck Rob Kostich
Fuck Bobby Kotick
Fuck Daniel Alegre
Fuck Dennis Durkin

Fuck every single miserable piece of shit who enabled and encouraged this and fuck everyone who stood by, did nothing and said nothing while their colleagues were

Yeah, I hate it when Kotaku or any site really gives puff pieces to assholes like this. It really feels like the article just takes her side that it was meant to be a “joke” and just never comes back to that. Because “ironic” bigotry eventually results in actual bigotry.

I’m sorry you were born without any taste.

I enjoyed a lot about the 2016 Ghostbusters - in general I’d say (most of) the characters are better, but the story is weaker. I think part of the problem is that 1) they made it a Ghostbusters movie and 2) they named it “Ghostbusters” (though they did later try to half-heartedly add “Answer the Call” as a subtitle).

Came here for this and wasn’t dissapointed.

“Ape must not kill ape!”

I’m still convinced that the Trump bot is a repurposed oops-we-jumped-the-gun Hilary Clinton bot.

Sorry gacha deserves to get shit on, its a blight upon mankind. Your friends that enjoy them could enjoy the exact same games without being monetized out of every available orifice.

Man, I’m on Ninty’s side on this, but this gotta be the most ridiculous “I’m not a fanboy, but...” fanboy post ever.

This piece seems to acknowledge the existence of one group but then conflates it with another. The “I want to play this on Switch” crowd and the “I have a Switch for Animal Crossing” are not the same audiences. The “I want to play this on Switch” crowd is almost definitionally of the more hardcore segment, because

Reminds me of the Quill stuff in Infinity War. Like, yeah, we the audience know he made a colossal fuckup, but we the audience also know the dude is an insecure manchild who just found out he lost about the most important person on his life (With Yondu gone).

Kang. Immortus. He Who Remains. I cheered when I saw Jonathan Majors face. Sure, we all suspected but seeing it confirmed was such a “YESSS!” moment. Sure, unexpected twists can be fun but so is delivering on foreshadowing.