
I know this is all very subjective, but Flash and Fury of the Gods should be much lower. A movie is truly awful if I can’t have it on the background while I do other things. I can’t have BvS, the first SS or WW84 on in the background while I’m cleaning. Fury of the Gods and Flash have joined that list.

Future film historians will be baffled as to why the movies of the 2010s were so afraid of bright colors.

That feeling when you think even the most basic of AI could’ve done better.

The Star Wars movies plans have been in a free-fall ever since the dork reaction to TLJ,

I mean, Mark Gatiss, who wrote An Adventure in Space and Time, literally said that the reason they green screened in Matt Smith was so they could green screen in other Doctors as time went on.

At least the franchise will HAVE a direction which is likely to be better than the last decade of Flailing n Failing.

Loki, season 3 probably won’t happen. But Loki, in a Marvel movie, is almost a certainty.

EXACTLY my reaction. But the trailer does look pretty sweet.

“It’s like a snake eating it’s own tail!” -Ouroboros

Why yes, execs have been on a free ride for too long and need to go...

Well, I personally felt it was better than the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Overall it was a passable movie and not as bad as it could’ve been. I remember an article before it was released in theaters saying the original cut was ridiculously longer. But I got the feeling there were a lot of scenes cut that contained

I do wonder a bit why they didn’t CGI his voice along with the appearance in the flashback sequence. Seems like that would be the cheaper part of it.

LOL, talk about over reaction.  You totally found what’s wrong with the internet... amazing.

Then why did you click on a non tech story and even comment on it? The answer is because you don't come here for tech, you come here to bitch about things in the comments. At least that's what your actions say. You'll probably say something to the contrary but you know the old expression about actions and words.

I doubt it will kill anything, but hopefully it will bring A.I. down to Earth and make it accessible as a set of tools, not “Make Finished Thing” buttons.

I, Robot, the Will Smith film, was a completely unrelated film that ended up getting Asimov grafted onto it, and it was still a more faithful Asimov story than Apple TV’s Foundation.

I know people say a lot of bad things about modern AVC, but this was an absolute A+ headline job, Schimkowitz.

I don’t remember anything wrong with the opening scene, so my guess is no, you won’t like the rest of the movie, because the movie is pretty consistent overall in its approach from beginning to end.

But didn’t Oher’s initial story confirm that he knew about the conservatorship all along? His claim is that they misled him into thinking it was the proper legal way to adopt a person who’s already an adult—which is exactly how the quote from his book characterizes it.

I’m not mad at her, I actually like her, but I also remember things.