
I'm sure he's releasing for Android first because minecraft was written in Java. Android is java-based, so it makes sense. A port should be relatively easy. As for iPhone, there is no java support, so he'd likely have to rewrite the whole thing in objective C or C++, which would be no small task. I bet we won't see an

The COD games for the wii were never much like the 'real' COD games, were they? I remember them being quite different from the ps3/xbox versions. Not just in graphics, but game-play as well.

Hey, my 3 year old loves that game, and would tell you herself that she is NOT a baby. If she could type...

DO we know they're actually functioning models? Couldn't they be non-working prototypes? empty cases?

Thanks. I was about to post something just like this. I don't think there are a lot of people who think May 21 is the rapture. Only a very vocal extreme minority do. I think most Christians (like me) think these people are nuts.

+1 for maturity and keeping things impersonal.

You must not have read this whole thread. I'm not interested in arguing whether drugs should be legal or not. I was only pointing out the flaw it Mat's argument as he stated it.

Doesn't selling drugs have the potential to cause harm to other people?

I agree. I'm not trying to argue whether drugs should be illegal or not, just that Mat's argument in his story sucks. Though, the seatbelt one is a stretch ;)

Thank you. Your argument does make more sense. I'm just tired of people stating controversial things as fact with no solid argument to follow it up, which I feel Mat did here in this article.

So are you saying that any law that prohibits something without a willing participant is stupid? I think we can agree that you can't stop someone from doing anything, so if that's the entirety of your argument, then would you agree that these laws are all stupid as well:

Sure, that works too. But really, if it's a valid argument for one law, why can't it be used in regards to all laws? Hey, if you can't stop people from doing it, no point in having the law, right? (following the same logic)

No, not at all. I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of his argument as to why drugs should be legal.

Murder laws are stupid. You can't stop people from killing each other.

I know little on the subject, but as far as I know, a big problem with hydrogen fuel cells is you would need to carry around compressed hydrogen and compressed oxygen, which is extremely dangerous.

Right, because Sony hacked themselves.

Uhh, I wasn't trying to quote anybody when I said absolutely no system is secure. But your quote is also true. However, it doesn't invalidate mine either. No system is completely secure.

Being a programmer and specializing in the security of credit card information, I can tell you that in order to process credit cards, your system must be PCI compliant. Part of that requirement is to have CC info encrypted. Having other information like name, address, etc. is NOT required. If they didn't have their CC

That's why God invented implants.

Doesn't BesBuy have a 'restocking' fee?