
@Slinkytech: No, he's a cop so he's above the law.

@Benedinho: Did he ever agree to any EULA? I think that'd be hard to prove. all he did was mod xboxes.

@XorBomber: I agree that no one can prove it to the world. I also believe that if one cannot prove or disprove the existence of a thing, they aren't qualified to unequivocally state that it doesn't exist.

I thought the point of sign holders is that you can't legally post large advertisement signs on public property. Having a human hold the sign gets around this, since it's the person exercising his or her freedom of speech. A robot holding the sign seems counterproductive here since robots don't have freedom of speech,

@Ash Paulsen: Just pixel art as in, sadly, it's not a game.

I think you mean laser sighted, not laser guided. The laser doesn't guide the projectile.

@CougarAries: 1 It's not useless. It has very high conductive properties and does not rust or tarnish.

@Doctor Insano: Show me proof that a shop in Australia will have more madness than the official party in California. There isn't even an event listed for Australia on blizzard's site. There's only events in US, Europe, Canada, and Taiwan.

@Aex: LOL, I love it when people who call FAIL are actually failing themselves.

@PhineasJW: Unlike microsoft, who only uses open standards.

Better Not Be.

I did not play this game so I can't comment on whether it was good or not. I didn't even consider buying it because it's an action game for the wii. I don't turn to my wii for action games. My PS3 and Xbox are for that. My wii's for games that don't need great graphics, like mario and excercise.

Not a lubricant? It's spay-on mineral oil. A lubricant.

Lame. It's remembrance DAY, not week.

@rock99rock: Awesome. Soviet technology at its finest.

Somebody please post a picture of a gazelle intercepting a missile.

The title of this post hurts my brain.