
@coding_hero: Obviously because it's not degrading republicans.

Are all of these republicans?

@MasterYong: Crap! Does this include minivans, or just big vans?

@badhatharry: No. It clearly states on the package that it has "Zero points of articulation!"

Mac users are in for a hex of a good time.

@Kem2000: Key word there is 'almost'

@bwwardiii: There's no respawn in Counterstrike, and it's very popular.

@blyan-reloaded: "You can't exactly pinpoint which of the IP addresses visiting a site during a DDoS attack are part of the attack"... uhh, really?"

@draper3000: It depends on if the lion was the male or the female. This is also explained in a Napoleon Dynamite deleted scene. []

@Chernobyl: For me, the choice is this: Either spend my limited gaming time playing on a game by myself, or spend that time playing a game with my wife. I'd rather spend my time playing games with my wife.

@Chernobyl: Like sex, my wife and I prefer to do it together rather than by ourselves.

@Pope John Peeps II: Dungeon Hunter 1 and 2 are your diablo/torchlight clones for iOS.

No mention of multiplayer? I probably won't buy this one then.

@Kardster: I'm not willing to pay for them yet do not pirate them either. This is because they suck. So I disagree that everyone not willing to pay for them pirates them. I think I can comfortably say that a GREAT majority of people not willing to pay for them aren't willing to pirate them or listen to them at all.

@TunaCan: Also: "they got their hearing damageD"


Food storage isn't just for the "End of the World". It's also kept for other smaller emergencies, from hurricane catrina like disasters to losing your job.