
"the cops got the burglar's DNA from his TV"

Japanese dude in the background: "heh, doesn't look like him at all, does it?"

@snarky30: It crashed at the end of the video, which is why the video ended.

@FooFighting: I count 5 sentences. Confusing paragraphs with sentences?

@Garci: So what keeps me from mailing them an SD card with viruses on it? I imagine it more like this:

@a sexy hot dog: same here. search results say free, click the buy button and it says $3...

@jjpriest25: My brain exploded trying to understand what you're saying.

Marijuana use (any at all) is still against federal law.

@geolemon: Oh, so you can buy Monkey Island 1 and 2 special edition for your andriod for free? What's that? No, you can't get it at all? For any price?

So, this is basically VNC on your iPad to your VM on your mac? So this is actually nothing new?

This baby's cordless and pointy on 3 ends, not just a lousy 2 ends.

I wonder what the software decoder does to your battery life...

There's a difference between 'Safer' and 'Safe'.

@fuchikoma: C and C++ were always on the iPhone. You only needed objective C to talk to the apple APIs. A lot of programers just wrote a thin layer of objective C to talk to apple's APIs and kept the bulk of their code in c/c++.

has throwN

@ps61318: They got you to watch the ad and even got you to talk about it on the web. Marketing mission successful.

@kelz: Their source code for the game is probably written in C/C++ which makes porting from iOS to webOS relatively easy. Android apps on the other hand are written in Java (there is some nonstandard c support, but it's nonstandard), so porting to that platform would be no small task.

@MrGrinch: My point is simply that the headline is wrong. She wasn't arrested for posting the picture. It may have lead to her arrest, but that wasn't the crime.