You’re going to need to hop in a time machine and go back at least 30 years for this question to be taken seriously.
You’re going to need to hop in a time machine and go back at least 30 years for this question to be taken seriously.
Why a "[sic]" for "pores" there? That's the correct usage.
Why the [sic]? Pore over is correct.
Yeah, "snaps" for hand-waving both her early racism and her cultural appropriation there, Clarissa Whitesplains It All.
so I understand that she has made some racist tweets or whatever it was (I don't know the specifics)
Oh, lawd, woman.
I love that.... "Your argument is poorly constructed, but I'm the one who believes in virgin births and dead people coming back to life".
The argument of the post is "I'm skeptical of these numbers." And if people can't be bothered to read past the headline then I'm not really sure I give a shit what they think about my religious beliefs.
I would like to marry a Viking. Do you have a spare?
The same thing happened to me. It sucks. I'm 5'3" and my husband is 6'4". Our baby was 9lb, 10oz at birth, so it was fun to tell people "HA! THAT'S WHY I WAS SO BIG!" But even if our baby was 5lbs, I mean, hello! I grew a CHILD!
Happy pregnancy! I am due in May!
I really wish I could immediately send you a maternity t-shirt that says "Chill everyone, it's the miracle of life"
Her child will probably grow up to be Brianne of Tarth.
That looks pretty normal for a shorter person in the 3rd trimester. Their torso is too small for the baby stuff to not expand outward! Taller women tend to end up with less alarming bumps, just because in comparison to the rest of their bodies a baby belly isn't as dramatic. Plus we don't usually see nearly naked…
One person of color. Pathetic. Only white people are sexy?
Ursula's obviously the true feminist hero of that movie. She's one of the rare Disney women in any kind of leadership role. (Well, not that rare, but the only one in Disney's second golden age of The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Lion King.) She's smart, she's talented, she's aggressive, she…
ARIEL IS THE WORST. She is a rich white girl complaining about how hard it is to be a rich white girl. She's like...I have all this cool shit and I'm still not happy. There is a reason why sebastian is like I am so over you. Then she gives up her voice for a dude 0_0