
Yeah, I had a 92 SE-R.. that was better than this. Sold it for 1200 with 196,000 on the odometer, baby still ran like a charm.

I must not show these pictures to my other half. This is his dream home office.. the guitars sit in our jam space with his drums (the guitar he made sits by the tv). My 88 key keyboard sits in the den with our fireplace. No musical equipment allowed in the office

I love makeup, even though I am rarely wearing makeup. My make up box has various shades of blush, my two favorite bronzers (a lighter one for the day, and a darker one for a night out), three shades of foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner (varying from white and silver, to green and blue, to gloss and matte

As one who often picks up slack and works in multiple departments, I am the one who catches a two minute break from my work and focuses on something else (even while working!). If I don’t understand something or something is just too tough, I ask for help on the assignment. Normally, no one questions me because I

I’m not a parent yet, but do plan on becoming one someday. Working in the medical field, it doesn’t bother me. Even as a patient I have had some pains I describe as “contractions.” The thing that scares me the most is 24 hour labor. I could not do that. Nope. I hope I have a quick, little bit of pain, labor. Pooping

Aww poor thing. I am personally not comfortable with people breastfeeding without a cover over baby and breast. I’m not a mother, so I don’t understand how uncomfortable it is to wrap yourself up for baby to eat and get stares from other people. I also understand why you wouldn’t lock you and baby in a bathroom stall

All of this seems like common sense to me. No alcohol during the work week because of rebounding, eat a greasy meal before drinking (steak, mashed potatoes, and red wine are always a good mix). Limiting drinks are the most important, if you get drunk and vomit, you will be hungover no matter what. Have a couple drinks

Ugh two of these apply: big lips, big butt. I can’t wear certain lipsticks because my lips basically overpower my face. Once I borrowed a gloss from my friend, that had plumper in it, and I had Jay-Z lips for a whole day. Plus finding anything my size to fit my butt is almost impossible. I have literally jumped into

Man, that sucks. Glad we don’t live in Washington, we got a good deal on Mr. Forrester when they were restocking the dealership and moving out the previous years models. I got a good deal on my impreza, just because I bought it private party from Mr.

Being “skinny” sucks. I wear lighter colors to accentuate my frame because I don’t look like a person looking for a professional job, more like a head shot for a modeling portfolio. White bulks out my upper half and black makes me look ballet. My go to interview outfit is grey pants and a white button up with a black

I have read the CDC article before and I do understand where they are coming from. My doctor recommended prenatal vitamins to me as taking the vitamins is good for women in their child bearing age. When I asked about drinking: she said as long as I stop drinking 2-3 drinks everynight when I get a positive, the baby

In relationships, it is so easy to establish roles. Women cook, clean, and do the 9-5. Men come home and kick up their heels. In my opinion, it is easy to fall into a pattern and something like a bad day at the office turns into a match of who should be taking the trash out, or how long is too long to be playing video

I knew they were from Boulder.

Why is subaru such a hit?