
Im just gonna take a wild guess and say you have never owned a PS4 if you think that is exclusive to Xbox lol.

Not sure where you are getting the “she doesn’t write anything” angle from. She was literally hired as a writer for SNL before she became a cast member.

You think if he loses he isn't going to keep having rallies? You sweet thing.

When I was growing up if you didn’t know the answer to something you just......didn’t know the answer. Like, ever. And If you wanted to find the answer it was usually alot of effort.

If you were someone who cared wouldn’t you want to know it was faked? I don’t get the anger here.

You have NEVER hear someone compliment something for being smart design before?

Except that makes actual competition completely pointless. It very quickly becomes about who can “cheat” better rather than who is actually more skilled/better prepared/better trained etc etc. Which is the whole point of competition.

Except the PS5 stand is included so it really doesnt matter. The tweet might work if you had to buy the stand seperate but you don't so....who cares?

It was cringey because the PS5 stand is actually pretty cool and smartly engineered. It’s infinitely more interesting/cool than the ”you can just lay it down on its side” response

Lol, yes it is. You originally claimed Sony didn’t think of it and were caught off guard by MS. Now, after people have pointed out that’s silly because other Sony products have this feature, you are saying they just chose not to include it. Those are totally different things.

But you are moving the goal posts. Originally you claimed Sony never thought to do this. Now you are saying they chose not to do it.

You have been able to transfer saves from PS3 to PS4 via the cloud for years. Saying Sony “didn’t think of cross gen saves” for the PS5 is just ridiculous lol.

I can't listen to that song without hearing the "Stevie Nicks Fajita Round up" lyrics.

I don’t disagree with your assessment. But He doesn’t need an army. One guy with a gun has killed alot of people on more than one occasion. It took only 2 guys to set off a truck bomb in Oklahoma and kill 168 people.

They arent smart enough to come up with something like this. Remember, this is the guy who blackmailed the Ukranian president on a defintley being recorded phone call.

Not sure why it would build sympathy. He spent the past 6 months flouting pretty much all safety measures. If anything it makes him look even more wrong and stupid. 

 if it did happen it might just be the thing that pushes his looney supporters over the edge. I mean, they were already mailing bombs to his enemies and running protesters over. Imagine the shit they would do if he died to this (which would immediately be blamed on liberals)

I use it all the time on PS4 for screenshots. My friends do as well. It’s a nice quality of life feature. *shrugs*

Yeah, I’m not sure how tattoos would not be considered part of someone’s likeness. But I'm not a lawyer or a tattoo artist.

Its not even a new term. lol. The song it’s taken from is 20 years old and it’s been used on the internet for pretty much as long.