I fully agree the design was terrible. It was like something out of a 18th century child’s nightmare mashed with a low budget furry convention.
I fully agree the design was terrible. It was like something out of a 18th century child’s nightmare mashed with a low budget furry convention.
I saw this on reddit and couldn’t believe anyone actually bought it. How do you take pictures of shit that you don’t know is about to happen? Sure some of it you could see coming early enough to maybe get a picture but the others? Come on.
Does sonya believe her own hype then get her ass kicked and quit the game forever?
Best sketch I have seen in a long time. Over the top anger directed at babies will never not be funny.
The baby of the year sketch broke me good. Something about screaming obscenities at babies is deeply hilarious to me.
I honestly thought Scarlett Witch deliving the badass “you will” line before kicking the everloving shit out of Thanos was a much much better moment.
To be fair ALOT of major characters had little to no dialogue in this movie. Hell they didn’t even mention Vision in the entire movie lol
To be fair, Rocket is also a dick. So not using her (or anyone's) name is pretty on point.
I honestly dont get the “i couldnt see what was going on” complaints. It looked just fine for me.
After reading all the bitching about it being "too dark" or "too hard to follow" I feel like alot of people need to get their eyes checked or recalibrate their tv's.
Lol. Boy you sound super reasonable and fun.
Umm...because that’s a shot of the exterior? Lol.
A) the roof is a pretty significant part of a building
Yes! I was so disappointed that Holt and Kevin didn’t get brought into the discussion at all. I honestly thought that was the whole reason they put holt/Kevin Literally in the middle of it.
Yeah I didnt like the immediate threat of divorce either. I mean, I get her reasoning and everything but it just seemed so hard to believe for all the things everyone mentioned.
Which is why I’m almost positive there will be some more tangible evidence of Jons parentage presented at some point. Likely in the crypts of winterfell (or in the form of Howland Reed perhaps). I doubt the show is just going to rely on Sam and Bran to establish Jon’s real ancestry.
The show has never really broached the subject of Dragon riding re: who can and cant ride them. and given there haven’t been dragons for ~150 years and all the other Targ’s are dead its not a stretch that Dany doesn’t really know much about them. Jon getting on a dragon probably doesnt mean much to her.
They don’t really force it. Baseball is just a mostly white sport and alot of the hot button issues are about immigrants/minorities. You just arent going to see mass black lives matter protests in a sport that has like 8% black players. And it doesnt mean the league is forcing it.
“For every even moderately interesting or little bit politically outspoken guy like CC Sabathia or Adam Jones, you have probably like 5 John Rockers”
The whole “the game wasn’t what they promised” is such a bullshit narrative. It was pretty much exactly what anyone who paid attention thought it would be. The people who were pissed off were idiots who did little to no research on the game and thought it was something totally different.