
As some one who has always had a crush on Melissa Fumero and loves Die Hard I can totally relate. I think I blanked out for a few minutes when she showed up in that outfit haha.

Yep count me in that group.

Except its not really like that at all for pretty obvious reasons (the reviewer doenst abstain from all TV??)

So basically you want someone who agrees with you to review the show.

But seriously.......who gives a fuck?

That was pretty much my reaction as well. Seemed to be pretty typical stuff from him. Hard not to think that If he released this pre-scandal alot of the people now calling him out would be be instead praising him.

Christoper Titus is a stand up though. Hence he would fall under the “other than a stand-up” bit o fmy post.

I mean, if you put almost any actor other than maybe a stand up comic in a room by themself its likely not funny and just them being stupid/weird for the sake of it. So I’m not really sure how thats a valid criticism of Ferrel.

Im probably very alone in this opinion but I enjoy The Other Guys more than every other movie these two have made with the exception of Anchorman.

This is the part that gets me. People acting like star wars ever made sense in the first place lol.

I will never ever understand how people can care this much about a movie. 

Between bloodborne, uncharted, zero dawn God of War and Spiderman the PS4 has had a GOTY nominee every year it has existed.

Its probably worth noting that it also already has 2.1 million “likes” as well. Which is pretty on par with previous versions (the 2017 version got 3.9 million, 2016 got 3.5).

Of course its not 1:1. I don’t think any sensible person would suggest it was. But PDP and Paul have a combined 100,000,000 subscribers. Its not a long walk to figure out that it would take just a small % of them being pissed off to spike the dislike numbers.

Beieber appears to be a pretty big douche but from all reports he is also immensely talented. He aint my cup of tea but his fame seems pretty deserved. Infinitely more deserved than someone like Logan Paul who is just a dumber/less talented Tom Green who appeals to no one over the age of like 12.

Yeah im probably never going to touch the online portion of this game because it just seems like a haven for douchebags

My main takeaway is that I just lost the opportunity to call Milo a piece of shit to his face for a whole evening for the low price of $750.

And if you dont want to wait a year to play the GOTY version you buy it at full price and enjoy it right away. Both things work. Calm down.

I think its 50/5o that they truly just don’t give a shit about optics and that they are just really clueless

No, it’s objectively pretty fucking weird.