
Me and friends used to play monopoly every now and then on weekends in college and it was basically an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Constantly yelling over each other, alcoholism and the unavoidable violence.

Anything other than normandy or the battle of the bulge is little known to most people.

I dont know what I just saw and I mean that in the best way possible.

So you essentially abhor the MCU as a concept but still go to MCU movies in theatres?

I Would actually feel better if this was the case. But its very clear and alarming how many people absolutely believe what he says.

Once again "PC" is conflated with "just not being an asshole".

Its been a long time since i have watched it but isnt the bigger problem with his confession that it make almost zero sense within the evidence of the case?? Doesn’t he say they stabbed her multiple times and shot her multiple times in the garage yet zero blood was found in there?

They did one show in DPRK (over two days) and it was a joint promotion with New Japan. It was also in 1995, not the 80's.

I like how in the smaller picture to the right in the main picture the Russo’s area in the exact same pose. You think they have a brotherly agreement that one always stands on the left and one alwsys stands on the right?

Things I just learned:

Just stand on a boat and shoot them with a bow. Its super easy

I totally agree, she and her character was great. oddly enough ALOT of new girl fans hated her though. 

Early years Conan was the best late night show ever. Fight me.

You seem way too angry about this.

I always kind of thought Ross was the only real person on the show (relatively speaking). The others were just cartoon characters. Rachel was unbearable and Joey was I objectively the worst person on the show

Probably taking his comment to literally. He most likely just picked a random year in the 80's. The point is that Chase has been totally irrelevant for a very long time and its not wrong.

I do find it amusing that a campaign that garnered 3 million more votes is somehow considered a disaster. lol.

This, so much this. You can point to all kinds of “reasons” why Trump won. Russian interference. The Comey letter, his bold face lying to people and telling them what they want to hear with zero plan to accomplish it, etc etc etc.

Are we still pretending like Trump didnt win because a third of the American population is completley dumb and uninformed about basic everyday life?

Its not really a Hitler thing as much as its just a populist thing. You could find parallels with leaders/candidates all throughout history. You just go out and say you are going to fix all the problems and find a scape goat to blame for everything “bad” that’s happening.