
When Disney announced that it would not have have any R-rated content that was the end of my interest in this service. 

You literally said EVERYTHING they do is to get new readers for comics. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. but apparently I’m misrepresenting what you said. Lol.

“But everything that Marvel does outside of the comics is intended to try and get new readers for the comics.”

Right?? Like, has this dude been a fucking cave for 20 years and just found about about Eminem after reading this article?

I think like 90% of people who buy this game have never read a comic book.

If ever there was an argument for ending a show early rather than letting it drag on, its Shameless.

Meh. Sounds like exactly the same thing they have done in Rainbow 6: Seige for years now. DLC is all free but those who buy the season pass get early access and a few bells and whistles (weapon skins, boosters etc)

So you just hand wave all the other peoples legitimate points about how a comedian is nothing like a doctor and simply repeat the same original tweet with different wording. Ok cool. Moving on.

What is your point exactly? Because it seems like others have brought up pretty good points about that analogy and you just give vauge responses implying that everyone is too dumb to get it.

Seinfeld holds up because it was about stupid little everyday life things and how people are generally terrible/dumb. Those things still exist and probably always will. As long as we are driving some kind of vehicle people can relate to a show about losing your vehicle in a parking garage.

Ross is actually pretty funny just not in the obvious “oh hes dumb” or “oh she’s weird” etc etc way most of the friends characters are so alot of people didn’t really get him I don’t think.

I have to say, you really missed the perfect chance to end this whole article with;

Its one of my favorite shows ever but I would be pissed if they tried to go longer. Some (most I would argue) shows have a finite life and 4-5 years usually seems to be it. Dragging it on past that just slowy chips away at it until everything crumbles.

Sooooo....the general conclusion here is that the only thing you watch are Star Trek reruns.

He hasn’t taken more than a week off since 2001!

I thought the solution to most common problems was alcohol.

Yeah I remember you could burn customs songs onto a disc that would play in your Xbox back in the day (I dont rememeber exactly how it worked, but it was surprisingly easy). That was back when I could 100% most songs with either hand haha.

That is because the NFL isnt “letting it all die down”. They cant help themselves and constantly make it worse.

“Risk” is a bit of an overreach. He is already a multi millionaire (he was before he even started acting). Its not like he is living on the street if this backfires.